Top 20 Squatters of 2016 on Instagram
This was probably one of the hardest blog posts to put together! We finally got there with the Top 20 Squatters of 2016 on Instagram.
This was probably one of the hardest blog posts to put together! We finally got there with the Top 20 Squatters of 2016 on Instagram.
Testosterone boosters, what are the benefits?
There are many benefits to utilising testosterone boosters particularly as your natural testosterone production starts to decline. Increasing natural testosterone levels to their pinnacle will dramatically improve muscle recovery, increase strength, muscle fullness as well as even keeping fat stores low. This is simply because boosting testosterone improves how the body utilises nutrients, particularly protein, reducing unnecessary storage of nutrients whilst maximising it's use in muscle repair.
Of our wide variety of testosterone boosters, we have selected our top 3 sellers.
If you find you are placed under a lot of stress due to training or diet requirements, or are reaching an age where your natural test is beginning to decline but want to reap the most out of your training then one of the following will be a perfection option for you!
Spartan Labs Mega Mass is a clean testosterone booster, that is a great alternative to illegal steroids but with many of the same benefits. Mega mass is for men wanting to put on serious mass.
TEST DRIVE is one of the most complete Test Boosters on the market! Containing some of the most effective ingredients to naturally boost testosterone levels, control estrogen levels, boost libido, increase protein synthesis and enhance natural red blood cell count!
Buy EST Sport Test Drive Now -->
Body War's test booster Alpha War is an extremely intricately formulated test booster. Utilising the proven ingredient in its most bioavailable form D Aspartic Acid Calcium Chelate, is proven to boost natural testosterone levels considerably.
Buy Body War Nutrition Alpha War -->
Have a Testosterone Booster you've been using for use to review? Add it in the comments below:
Incase you've been living under a rock, the news is in, green tea is good for you.
But there's a few incredible benefits to drinking green tea that are far less publicised.
We've put together our Top 5 Green Tea Secrets to keep you in the know.
Tea is tea, right? Wrong.
The difference between green tea and black tea is very simple. Black tea is fermented, green tea is not. The difference however, is staggering.
By not subjecting the tea to a fermentation process, green tea retains the maximum amount of antioxidants and polyphenols possible, increasing the health and well-being benefits significantly over its counterpart.
When faced with the choice, always go green!
While green tea is certainly not the miracle cancer-cure-all treatment we're looking for, it has been extensively studied in the recent years for its effect on cancer cells.
With study after study showing that ECGC, the main Green Tea catechin responsible for Green Tea's many health benefits, may prevent cells from becoming cancerous, while also disrupting the growth cycle of existing cancerous cells.
If you'd like to learn more about green tea and the dreaded C-word, click here.
Delicious, convenient and healthy! Learn more about Tribeca's X50 Green Tea Energy Drink here.
A lot of fat burners on the market contain high levels of caffeine and stimulants, designed to promote "thermogenesis", essentially causing the body to run at a higher temperature to burn more calories.
While this may be fantastic for some, it's not the ideal solution for others, especially for those prone to anxiety or sensitive to caffeine and stimulants.
Enter green tea.
The catechins in green tea increase the body's metabolic rate, turning you into a fat-burning machine, naturally.
Not only will Green Tea increase the amount of calories burnt during a resting state, but it will also increase the effectiveness of exercise in expending energy.
However, each study which has attested to the amazing natural fat burning powers of Green Tea have involved much higher doses than normal, more like 5-10 cups per day vs the regular 1-2 cups a standard drinker would consume.
The solution? (Unless you want to be going to the bathroom all day) is Tribeca's X50 Green Tea Energy Drink, containing the fat burning benefits of over 20 cups of green tea in a tasty, convenient single serve!
No one likes coffee breath, so what about green tea breath?
The truth is, they couldn't be any more different.
Green tea actually reduces bad breath, by killing the bacteria called Streptococcus Mutans. This specific type of bacteria which lives in the mouth is the primary cause of not only bad breath but also tooth decay and cavities.
While dental health may be something that falls by the wayside for a lot of us, looking after your mouth by drinking green tea regularly can be incredibly friendly on the wallet come your next dental checkup!
While fat burning is a well-known benefit of green tea, it's what actually becomes of the fat once it's burnt off that is perhaps the most interesting, and least known.
We all know that being in a calorie deficit isn't fun.
Dieting leads to low energy and motivation, due to the body consuming less calories than it needs, which is what leads to weight loss.
Green tea's selective fat burning ability, similar to L-Carnitine, causes fat stores to be converted to energy on a cellular level. This happens in the mitochondria, where these fat stores are broken down and converted into fuel, which provides an all-important pick-me-up for dieters!
To achieve all of the staggering health benefits green tea has to offer, unfortunately, one would have to consume at least 5-10 cups of green tea every single day.
Unless you're a particular sucker for the taste, and just love brewing tea on the reg', this becomes a bit of a chore.
Tribeca Health's X50 Green Tea Energy drink provides a whopping 20 cups worth of Green Tea polyphenols, the powerful antioxidants responsible for green tea's fat burning and well-being benefits, in one easy, single serve sachet.
There are some seriously amazing benefits to meeting your daily protein intake requirements.
Unfortunately, vegetarian and vegan diets, while being rich in foods containing protein such as soy, lentils, tofu and beans, often fall short of the daily recommended intake of protein - especially for those who are exercising or looking to change their body composition.
Why? Because while these foods contain protein, they're typically less protein dense and more filling than other sources, with an average serve containing 8-15g of protein.
While it's certainly possible to meet your daily recommended intake on a vegan or vegetarian diet, it's incredibly difficult to do so consistently and with ease, while still leading the lifestyle you enjoy, and most importantly, enjoying what you eat!
Quick Facts: The minimum daily recommended intake of protein is 0.5g for females, and 0.7g for males, per pound of body weight. For those exercising and looking to improve their body composition (lose fat and build lean definition), you're looking at 0.8g for females and 1g per pound of body weight. Minimum.
Click here to learn more about Tribeca's Raw Vegan Organic Protein, the easiest, most delicious and nutritious way to get more protein into your diet.
That means for the average female looking to lose fat, the minimum daily intake of protein sits at around 100-125g protein, which equates to 1.5kg of tofu, 3 litres + of soy milk or over a kilo of lentils! And sorry blokes, you'd need to be eating even more...
Let's take a look at the Top 5 Benefits of getting enough protein in your diet that you may not have known about...
But wait, how can eating more lead to losing weight? Calories are calories, right?
The human body actually uses energy to eat, and therefore, burns calories to digest food. This is called "thermic effect".
Note: Eating does not therefore count as exercise! Sorry. Nice try.
Protein has a thermic effect of around 20-35%, while carbs and fats around 5-15%
This means that a higher protein intake increases the amount of calories burnt by the body during a resting state - by around 80-100 calories per day, of doing zilch! Nada!
Hunger and food cravings are actually two completely different things.
While hunger is the body requiring energy and nutrients, cravings are a completely different kettle of fish, with the brain desiring the feel-good hormones released from the intake of junk food.
The best way to overcome them, or just prevent them showing up at all - is to increase your protein intake.
This study found that overweight men who increased their protein intake to 25% of their daily calories (this is the minimum recommended intake) reduced cravings by 60%, and cut their desire to snack at night in half!
It's no surprise that a high protein breakfast is recommended to reduce calorie intake and snacking over the rest of the day!
Losing weight is all well and good, but not when you rebound in the long term!
With the two benefits above, it's no wonder that when protein intake is increased, weight loss occurs effortlessly.
This study found that overweight women, eating protein at 30% of their daily intake of calories lose on average 5kg in 12 weeks, without intentionally restricting their diet.
So what about if you actually try?
This 12-month study of over 100 overweight people on a calorie-restricted diet, found that the high protein group lost 53% more weight than the normal protein intake group - even though both groups were consuming the same amount of calories.
Even a modest increase in protein has resulted in keeping weight gain at bay time and time again!
While a sugar hit might perk us up in the short term (followed by that nasty crash), protein is vital for proper mental function and a positive outlook.
Protein contains amino acids, and certain amino acids are required for adequate hormonal function, as well as producing dopamine and serotonin, the two most important neurotransmitters for positive outlook, motivation and reducing anxiety.
Not only are these amino acids vital for positive mood, but also play a critical role in concentration, focus and energy levels. Deprivation of these amino acids results in poor cognition and co-ordination, learning and motor skills.
Need an extra mood boost? Check out Tribeca Health's Organic and Natural X50 Green Tea Energy Drink!
High protein diets have been found to allow people to sleep more restfully and wake-up less during the night, compared to high carbohydrate diets.
This is due to the optimised chemical transmitters in the brain mentioned above, allowing a more awake, energised state during the day, while feeling tired and ready for rest as the evening comes around.
Tribeca Health's X50 Raw Vegan Protein Ancient Grains Blend combines 20g of high quality and complete vegan-friendly protein (sourced from peas and brown rice) and adds:
This delicious, high-protein supplement is free from all artificial nasties (colours, sweeteners, preservatives and flavours) and is the highest quality vegan protein on the market!
A lot of the time we'll brush it off as a simple flavour preference...
Or maybe they just aren't in the mood for the caffeine punch-in-the-face of a double long mac.
But what if they're onto something?
Whether it be conscious or subconscious, those who are drawn to green tea and integrate it regularly into their lifestyle probably do this for more than just the taste.
(Let's be honest, the flavour can't be the main selling point... right?)
Sounds a little too good to be true, doesn't it?
Green Tea is a substance which needs very little introduction.
The tea leaves have been used for over three millenniums in China as a medicine, but it wasn't until much later that the leaves were used in the form of a drink.
Rich in natural antioxidants and nutrients, the powerful effect on the body extends to not only mental effects such as increased cognition and alertness, but also to fat burning, physical performance and even life longevity.
Green tea is loaded with polyphenols, powerful antioxidants exclusive to Green Tea, which are utilised all over the world for their amazing medicinal properties. The most studied of these is "Epigallocetechin Gallate"(EGCG) which has even been used to treat various diseases across the globe!
The easiest, most delicious way to super-charge your lifestyle with the power of Green Tea! Click here to learn more about Tribeca Health's X50 Green Tea Energy Drink.
Let's take a look at just 3 of the amazing benefits of Green Tea
While coffee certainly does the job at keeping us awake, we all know it definitely doesn't make us much smarter.
A cup of joe will fight fatigue, keep us awake at the wheel and make us more alert to our surroundings, but the buck stops there.
Green Tea on the other hand, goes much deeper into cognitive function.
Green Tea contains a natural combination of caffeine and the amino acid L-theanine. This brain cocktail provides the perfect synergy, with L-Theanine increasing the activity of the anti-anxiety and relaxing GABA neurotransmitter, which allows for the increase of Alpha Brain Waves, responsible for focus and creativity.
This perfect synergy allows for focused, attentive alertness over the jitters and hype of a pure high dose of caffeine!
Related: Tribeca's Raw Vegan Skinny Protein Ancient Gains Blend
Ever noticed that Green Tea is included in just about every fat burner under the sun?
Well, there's a damn good reason.
Green Tea has been found to increase fat burning and boost the metabolic rate in humans (study, study). Even better, Green Tea has been found to significantly increase fat oxidation, meaning that it may even selectively burn fat.
Plus with the additional combination of caffeine and L-Theanine, this makes Green Tea the perfect energy catalyst, to provide sustained and focused mental fuel to power through exercise!
In a study of over 40,000 Japanese adults who drank green tea, it was found that those who consumed the most (5 cups or more per day) were significantly less likely to die during an 11 year period.
Sounds a little morbid, right? But it all adds up!
Green Tea's fat burning properties reduce the risk of obesity...
Antioxidants lower cholesterol (study) decreasing the risk of cardiovascular disease - such as heart attack or stroke, by up to 31%...
Plus the additional benefits of reducing blood sugar lowers the risk of developing Type II Diabetes (Again, a Japanese study has proven that those who drank the most green tea had a 42% lower chance of developing the disease)
With additional studies showing Green Tea's polyphenols killing bacteria and even protecting the brain in old age to potentially prevent neurodegenerative diseases, the increased life expectancy makes sense!
To reap the amazing benefits of Green Tea, you'll have to drink a little more than a cup here and there...
Actually, you'd need to do more than even replacing your daily coffees with a cup of tea.
To receive the optimal health benefits of Green Tea, you'd have to drink a minimum of 5, up to 10 or more cups, each and every single day.
We're not going to lie here, energy drinks are delicious.
These sweet, tasty fuel-in-a-can are an occasional treat for some, and a daily staple for others.
Certainly more refreshing than a piping hot cup of joe, and let's be honest here, a can of Monster just looks pretty damn cool.
Enter X50 Green Tea Energy Drink
We've all seen and heard the hype over Green Tea's health benefits, but for most of us, it just doesn't tickle our fancy.
AND you have to drink a TONNE of it to obtain these mystical benefits.
Fortunately, Tribeca's X50 Green Tea Energy Drink is here to save the day.
Check out our Top 5 Reasons to ditch your Red Bull for a healthier, natural alternative today!
Could you imagine drinking 20 cups of green tea a day, every day?
Assuming you're making an average cup of tea, that's 4 litres of green tea.
F$#! that.
Chinese and Indian doctors have known the score for years. Using green tea as a powerful natural alternative to pharmaceutical drugs, doctors would recommend their patients drink large volumes of green tea to boost their immune system, detoxify their liver and kidneys, remove visceral and subcutaneous fat; while boosting energy and lowering blood pressure.
Sounds too good to be true, right?!
What most don't know is, you'd have to drink at least 10 cups of Green Tea per day for these benefits to become apparent.
Thankfully, X50 Green Tea Energy Drink contains the polyphenols and catechins - Green Tea's powerful antioxidants which carry these amazing health benefits, - equivalent to 20 cups worth.
This means that you can harness the equivalent of 4 litres worth of Green Tea every day, in an all natural, fruity, convenient and delicious drink on the go.
Click here to learn more about Tribeca Health's X50 Green Tea Energy Drink
In case you've never read a nutritional label in your life, a standard energy drink is packed full of ingredients to "compliment" and "enhance" the energy provided by 80mg-150mg of caffeine per can.
The usual culprits are Guarana, Taurine, Ginseng, B Vitamins...
But they're all missing the one thing that Green Tea lacks; L-Theanine.
L-Theanine is an amino acid found naturally in green tea, which synergises perfectly with it's lower caffeine content (Around 25mg-30mg per serve) to deliver clean, focused energy.
See, L-Theanine isn't another ingredient in an energy drink stimulant cocktail, it's actually a calmative.
It stimulates the brain's GABA receptors, producing alpha brain waves, which are often produced through focus and meditation, for clarity and creativity.
The combination of Caffeine and L-Theanine is the perfect, clean energy rush.
Say goodbye to "caffeine jitters" of one too many cups of coffee and hello to a more empowered, focused mind!
Related: Tribeca's Raw Vegan Skinny Protein Ancient Grains Blend
The average 250ml energy drink contains about 7 tea-spoons of sugar.
The average sports hydration drink contains about 13.
Incase you've been living under a rock lately, sugar is the latest "bad guy" in the western world's obesity epidemic (study, study).
Sure, it's going to give you a tonne of energy by providing fast absorbing carbohydrates, but it's going to hamper your body composition goals, and you'll get punched in the face with a sugar crash before long.
Fun fact: If Phosphoric Acid wasn't added to Coca Cola, your body would immediately vomit after consumption due to its ridiculously high sugar content. True story.
Green Tea X50 on the other hand, uses powerful antioxidants which have been proven by research to stimulate the body's metabolic function and increase the burning of body fat (study), promoting thermogenesis (fat burning).
This means your body is literally burnings its stored fat and converting it into fuel.
So would you rather pack your body full of sugar for a quick rush and rebound blubber around the middle, or increase your metabolism to burn up to an extra 200 calories a day? 😉
Sweetened, flavoured and coloured naturally to energise you naturally.
X50 Green Tea's organic formula is perfect for vegans and vegetarians alike.
Not only does X50 Green Tea contain more than 600mg of fat burning antioxidants, it also contains resveratrol, the powerful antioxidant found in berries and grapes.
(Remember all those times that red wine drinkers played the antioxidant line? X50 Green Tea contains the equivalent of 25 glasses worth!)
This awesome antioxidant fights free radicals and improves insulin resistance, making it the perfect blood sugar management catalyst, as well as weight loss assistant.
Research also suggests that resveratrol helps to support a healthy cardiovascular system and protects blood cells against oxidative damage, also known as the "ageing" process". - Could green tea be the fountain of youth we've been searching for?!
The cost of a cup of coffee a day or energy drink here and there adds up. Fast.
If you're drinking anywhere between 1-3 cups of coffee or energy drinks per day, you're looking at spending well over $100 per month.
Plus when you add up the time of pulling over to the servo to grab a Red Bull on the way to work, or lining up to order a skinny cappuccino, all of a sudden your daily caffeine hit becomes an incredibly expensive and inconvenient chore.
Plus with the added convenience of sachets for on the go, plus the ability to mix with hot or cold water, your daily energy hit just got a whole lot more healthy, convenient and delicious.
No matter what your goal is, the easiest way to stay on track with your nutrition is to create simple meals you will ENJOY eating. With this in mind we searched the world wide web and found 10 recipes that will inspire you.