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5 Muscle Gain Essentials

5 Muscle Gain Essentials

second to none nutrition muscle gain essentials

When it comes to building muscle, people often get lost when it comes to what supplements they should use. Although there is a million options out there these five categories and product examples will keep you on the right track to reaching your muscle mass goals.

1. Creatine

Creatine is an absolute essential in any stack. It serves many benefits when it comes to training, recovery, and muscle gain.
Creatine is naturally occurring in the body and used to replenish ATP stores. Unfortunately however, it does not often produce enough for gruelling workouts we put our body through. By supplementing with a creatine source we increase muscle saturation and are then able to have a greater energy output. As a result, you can move more weight, resulting in more damage to muscle fibres, which in turn, will lead to more muscle growth provided dietary requirements are met.
Creatine also increase intracellular water content, or, "more water stored in the muscles". This means recovery is enhanced, and performance in the gym is also enhanced as the muscle is kept much more hydrated.

2. Pre Workout

Pre workout supplements are often associated solely with an energy boost and some tingles, however there is far more to it than that. The best way to describe a pre workout is based on the ingredients utilised, as they are ultimately "priming" the muscle for growth. Now energy is a big factor so which pre workout is best for you is dependant on your tolerance to stimulants. This being said, a pre workout containing ingredients such as:
- Beta Alanine
- Agmatine
- L-Citrulline
- Electrolytes
- & a stimulant blend is optimal as these ingredients improve endurance, blood flow, hydration, energy and mental focus. . 

3. Intra workout

An amino acid blend is a perfect for someone looking to build lean muscle mass. This is because amino acids prevent muscle breakdown and you will also be setting up the recovery phase before the workout is done. There are an abundance of intra workout options; If you find you can gain weight steadily through diet, however if you find you cant gain weight quite as easily an amino acid blend containing carbohydrates is a much better alternative. The perfect example for a carbohydrate amino acid blend is Scitec Nutrition's Intra Edge.

4. Post workout Nutrition

When it comes to building lean muscle mass, post workout nutrition is an absolute necessity. While exercising you deplete your body of glucose and as a result will also start to utilise glycogen as an energy source. By consuming a carbohydrate and protein shake after exercise, you ensure the body replenishes depleted glycogen stores as well as deliver nutrients such as protein and creatine to the muscle cells as efficiently as possible. One of the best post workouts for this is Anabolic Armour by Anabol Nutrition, containing 35g of both Carbohydrates and Protein, you provide the body with the perfect amount of macro nutrients to kick start the recovery process whilst also minimizing the likelihood of fat storage.

5. Nutrient Absorption

This last product is extremely over looked on the market simply because there are very few companies which have a product like this. MyoPep by EST Sports is a unique and intricately formulated product, designed to increase the absorption of protein. Pharma grade peptide & serum is utilised to spike protein synthesis resulting in the body maximising protein intake, and this can be added to any food or shake, for eg. yogurt, oats or a protein shake. 


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How To Build Leg Muscles Bigger, Faster, and Stronger

How To Build Leg Muscles Bigger, Faster, and Stronger

Never Skip Leg Day

Even though most of us are well aware that ‘never skip leg day’ is THE motto of the bodybuilding niche – rarely does anyone commit fully to this idea. Furthermore, a strong lower body doesn’t just equate to bonus looks at the beach – it also means harnessing more power, endurance, and overall strength.

That’s right: most of an individual’s upper body strength actually comes from the lower body – including core, quads, thighs, hamstrings, calves, shins, and glutes.

Think of it like this: the lower body is the pillar that the rest of your body rests upon.

For this reason, we’ve come up with a list of lower body workouts, tips & tricks, and additional nutrition facts to help build your legs – Spartan style.

1) The Condition of Your Legs

Chicken Leg Syndrome

First off, you have to be honest with yourself. If you find yourself on the receiving end of a so-called Chicken Leg Syndrome (CLS in short) – then you’ve most likely prioritized upper body workouts over lower body pumps. And even though the damage has been done, there’s still hope. It just helps to acknowledge the wrongdoings and start over the right way.

Start by including lower body workouts twice a week – prioritizing squats over other drills. Or everything that fires up the leg muscles really. Once you nail down a routine, the results will come bursting in by themselves.

2) Squats! Squats? Squats.

Starting the workout with Squats

As simple of an exercise as squats can be, it can still take you a long way. Not all leg workouts are created equal, however – therefore a simple substitute workout just won’t cut it.

The best option at this point is to start your workout session with – squats. This way, you’re investing for the future, since bulking up the leg muscles requires lots and lots of energy and a solid chunk of time. Doings squats while you’re at the top of your game is the perfect way to go about this routine.

When a simple squat exercise wears out (and it will in time,) opt instead for variations like front squats, low-bar squats, zercher squats, and pistol squats. All of these alternatives offer something new and fire up different groups of muscles at different times.

Plus, you’ll never get bored by doing the same exercise over and over again.

3) Go Low

Low Dipping Squats for better Glutes and Hamstrings

Oftentimes, individuals with the CLS syndrome grab the bar, overload the bar and huff and puff – only to descend few inches before rolling right back up. If anything, doing squats like this can end up hurting your lower back in the long run. Now, not only have you worsened the problem you already have – but you’ve also introduced another problem that could later require some tweaking too.

Calum von Moger, an Australian bodybuilder and pro-athlete, uses science to spread the word on how to do proper squats. According to him, half-reps are a no-no because they aren’t as effective as the full range of movement that is seen in regular squats. In addition to that, dipping low fully fires up the hamstrings and glutes, and improves the end results tenfold than what would’ve been possible by a shallow squat.

If agility is your stronger side – opt for dipping your hips lower than your knee joints upon doing a squat.

4) Feet Position Matter

Changing Feet Positions for Hitting Different Leg Muscles

By changing up your feet position ever so slightly – you’ll hit different groups of leg muscles that’ll provide better results overall. This means that foot variation is way more beneficial than just locking your feet whenever you’re going in for a squat.

To make most out of your exercise, choose a position in which your feet assume a distance about shoulder-width apart, toes slightly outward. As you go deeper into your training regimen and start bulking up more – an added variety in regards to feet stance is definitely something to think about.

In continuation, Calum adds that changing the feet angle while doing squats is as important as adding different squat variations to your training. For instance, narrow-stance squats are perfect to fire up the outer sweeps of your quadriceps; on the other hand, wider feet stances tend to hit the inner thighs (adductors) more.

Important note: make sure you’re not angling your toes too much inward or outward to avoid strains or unwanted injuries to your knees.

5) Target The Quad Muscles

Single Leg Presses & Squats for Quads

Getting leg day in means training different muscle groups at once or separately, including glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings. Yet, some workouts are known to be more effective than others. The best exercises that specifically and more effectively target the quads are single-leg presses, squats, front squats, leg extensions, and sissy squats.

For advanced individuals, firstly consider an exercise called ‘pre-exhaust with a single-joint’ to start your workout session. Secondly, proceed with 3 sets of leg extensions; lastly, opt for multi-joint drills to end the day on a high note.

6) Up Your Game

Calum Von Moger

Adding just as little as two repetitions during a set – or even squeezing another set in can add serious bulk to your leg muscles. Calum von Moger recommends several techniques to take your game to a whole new level:

1) Drop sets – this refers to eliminating about 25% of your current training weight when you experience muscle fatigue (or failure). Make sure to reach for drop sets only after you’ve finished your regular sets.

2) Partial reps – do as many reps as your regular exercise routine allows – then hit some partial reps. Partial reps, as their name suggests, may fall either below or above your natural repetition point.

3) Reduced rest time – goes without saying; mainly done to increase the intensity of your training.

7) Proper Dieting is King

Proper Dieting with Grilled Salmon, Brown Rice and Veggies

Scientifically speaking – food alone won’t contribute to stronger and bulkier legs. This is why it’s so important to combine a balanced diet, an exact training regimen, and proper rest to properly develop and shape your legs.

Additionally, proper macronutrient intake is also a very important ‘tool’ and plays a key role in an athlete’s leg development. Ideally, individuals should strive to take up to 1.5/2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight; carbs should always fill up the plate the most – with a preference to complex carbs against simple carbohydrates; fat should represent no more than 30% of the overall macronutrient ratio – predominantly monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

But, which foods should athletes include the most in their diets exactly?

1) Grilled Salmon with Brown Rice and Veggies – salmon is rich in protein, omega-3, and omega-6 fatty acids. Brown rice is an excellent source of carbs. Finally, the vegetables are full of antioxidants for quicker recovery after a strenuous workout session.

2) Grilled Chicken with Salad – white chicken meat contains all the protein without the fats found in dark meat. The vegetables in the salad are full of antioxidants and fiber to help you hit the gym again in no time. Additional olive oil plus avocado brings healthy fats to a whole new level.

3) Tuna Salad Sandwich – by reducing the amount of mayonnaise in tuna salad, it automatically becomes healthier and less ‘greasy’. This recipe can be paired with 100% whole wheat bread for an additional source of complex carbs. Include an apple or carrot to further reinforce the meal with the much-needed antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.    


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10 Health Benefits of Fiber

10 Health Benefits of Fiber

From parents to doctors to random health gurus you bump into during a walk in the park – it seems that everyone believes that placing fiber as a major component of your diet should be a top priority, without backing it up with evidence!

Well, not anymore!

We’re here to suggest and explain how and why adding more fiber to your diet will improve your health and give you a boost in your day-to-day performance levels. Plus, we'll also explain how fiber will help you tackle any challenges that life happens to be throwing your way!

What is Fiber?

Fiber comes from indigestible parts contained in veggies, fruits, legumes and whole grains (split peas, artichokes, peas, lima beans and more.)

There are mainly two kinds of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber breaks down in water and is known to help achieve normal cholesterol and blood glucose levels in the body. Foods rich in soluble fiber are apricots, oranges, mangoes, peanuts, kidney beans, black beans and more.

On the other hand, insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water – therefore it helps with preventing or relieving constipation and getting rid of irregular stool patterns. Some foods that contain high amounts of insoluble fiber are cauliflower, lentils, wheat bran, flax seeds and more.

Many foods carry both soluble and insoluble fiber. For the best results, opt to consume a high variety of fiber-rich foods.

Lowering Cholesterol Levels

Studies have shown that soluble fiber helps in lowering the “bad” cholesterol, or low-density lipoprotein levels.

Normalizing Digestion

Fiber makes it easier for stool to “pass over." It does so by increasing the size and volume by the dozen, thus relieving the time it takes for the stool to be pushed out. Fiber also soaks up water and solidifies the passable matter to transform watery stool into something you can “work with.”

Aiding in Colon Health

Going for a diet high in fibers can exponentially lower the risk of getting hemorrhoids or colon pouches (diverticular disease).

Battling Diabetes 

A diet rich in insoluble fiber can significantly decrease the risk of succumbing to types 2 diabetes. Also, for those who are already affected with the disease, soluble fiber has shown to slow down the absorption of glucose into the bloodstream. This makes it easier for diabetics to control their blood sugar levels.

Stabilizing Blood Pressure Levels 

The fiber found in flaxseed, oat bran, and black beans helps in lowering high blood pressure and also keeps inflammation at bay.

Helping the Heart 

According to a study that appeared in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology Foundation, female subjects who consumed 26.3 grams of fiber on average were less likely to develop heart disease than those who ingested less fiber. The study followed exactly 39,876 women during the course of six years.

Assisting in Weight Maintenance 

High-fiber edibles will satisfy your cravings faster and bring you up to a full belly quicker as opposed to foods low in fiber. Therefore, you’ll naturally maintain a healthy weight by opting for a diet abundant in both ends of the fiber spectrum (soluble and insoluble).

Preventing a Formation of Kidney Stones 

We’ve already seen how fiber can help in maintaining normal blood sugar levels. This, in turn, lowers the chances of the body giving way to insulin spikes that can lead to developing kidney stones or gallstones.

Boosting the Immune System

According to top nutritionist Ann Louise Gittleman, Ph.D., CNS – fiber found in certain foods like flaxseeds can help flush down any toxins your body have accumulated and power up the immune system to effectively battle its way through the everyday hassle. This can particularly come to aid to post-menopausal women due to certain “lignans” in the “fibrous shell” that keep excess estrogen in check.

Trumping Stroke

study has shown that total fiber intake was inversely proportional to the risk of developing a stroke. Additionally, increased fiber consumption lead to a significantly lower risk of developing the first stroke.


In accordance with an HMD publication, adults aged 50 or younger should strive to ingest 38 grams of fiber for men, and 25 g. for women per day. Adults over the age of 50 should go for 30 g. for men and 21 grams of total fiber intake for women per day.

But before you start gobbling up legumes and munching on artichokes, remember that too much fiber entering the body at once could lead to bloating and unwanted gas. And you certainly don’t want to pass the wind while doing a powerpoint presentation in front of your biggest client now, would you?         



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second to none nutrition healthy carbs while losing fat

Healthy Carbs To Eat While Losing Fat

Diet naysayers and self-proclaimed nutrition experts may preach that including carbohydrates in your diet while trying to tone-down is the biggest sin since egg-free mayonnaise. Well not unexpectedly, they couldn’t be further from the truth. Eating healthy carbs is not only possible, but it can be made into a fun activity for friends and family alike to find enjoyment in.

Moreover, carbs alone won’t make anyone fat, that much is sure. Carbohydrates are needed to provide energy for the body, and fasting on carbs can easily be as detrimental to your preferred weight levels since it would make you feast on junk food to the ground like there’s no tomorrow. According to nutrition twin experts Tammy Lakatos Shames, R.D. and Lyssie Lakatos, R.D. -- you can undoubtedly ‘melt’ those love handles by munching on the RIGHT carbs.

Which ones are the right ones? – We’re glad you asked.


Green Peas

Green Peas are a great source of potassium, zinc, vitamin C and dietary fibers. Furthermore, zinc is a known enemy of the common cold and may help you survive through season transitions by boosting your immunity threefold. Zinc is also involved in the creation of leptin – a hormone familiar to food enthusiasts as the “fat hormone” – which name alone suggests that it has something to do with regulating satiety even before edibles manage to reach your belly’s bottom.

So in a way, green peas have double the impact on your overall regulation of fat.



No one is a fan of blood sugar peaks and valleys that can leave people feeling starved and sign for desperate measures – such as that chocolate iced crème filled donut sitting about freely on your shelf.

When ingested, pearled barley, hull-less barley or even barley groats release sugar slowly into the bloodstream, maintaining an almost-perfect glycemic curve that battles against hunger in a natural and healthy manner.


Whole-Grain Bread

In a research conducted at Harvard, a continuous nibble at whole-grain breads fares well for the heart and may help in battling heart disease in the long run. In another study done by Penn State scientists, participants who indulged in a low-calorie diet while munching whole grains lost substantially more fat than those who ate processed grains.

Also, be on the lookout for 100% whole grain bread packages, since clever marketing can trick you into buying “whole grain” labeled bread made of only 51% whole grains.


Whole-Wheat Pasta

As with whole-grain bread – it’s only logical that whole-wheat pasta shares some benefits for keeping that waistline in check, plus more. Swapping regular for whole-wheat pasta is directly linked to having a thinner waistline, a significant decrease in abdominal fat and a lower body mass index (BMI).

But, as author Keri Gans, R.D. recommends in his book, to keep weight in check make sure you’re not gobbling up more than 200 calories JUST from pasta alone.



To reach satiety faster than you normally would, opt in for foods part of the legumes family such as beans, peas, lentils and chickpeas. These superfoods are known to fend off overeating and promote increased energy levels, fitness and also help while working out.

A great recipe involves 3 tablespoons of olive oil, chickpeas, and spices to taste roasted at 375F for 40 min. to get an excellent snack viable at any given time of day.



Again, as supported by clinical trials, the guys and gals at Annals of Internal Medicine came to the conclusion that healthy adults whose intake consisted of at least 30 grams of dietary fibers per day had lost 5 pounds in one year. These participants did not make any other change to their existing diets except the addition of fiber.

Pears are known to have high amounts of fiber, vitamins and other important nutrients that make it not only a great source of healthy carbs – but also a powerful fruit for individuals seeking an overall improvement in their eating habits.



Trading off potato chips for air-popped popcorn kernels would be a welcome alternative for all – especially those trying to get rid of fat. Popcorn is good for the heart, reaches satiety levels faster than, say, fried potatoes and reduces hunger like a boss.

A great alternative to ease that yearn for fatty foods once and for all.

Having suggestions of your own? Go ahead and share them below and we’ll be more than happy to answer.



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Ten Foods That Have Detoxifying Benefits

Ten Foods That Have Detoxifying Benefits


Among the overabundance of so-called ‘cleansing’ diets currently available online, only a few offer real advice on how to detox your body without starving yourself to death. After all, the days when humans had to cross long distances while munching on just raspberries are long gone. Now, food is available just around the corner at countless markets worldwide. The only thing left for you to do is to come up with a bucket list, go on a shopping spree and hope that you’ll nail that diet right off the bat.

But what diet are we precisely talking about here?

Well, how about a diet that will have enough nutritional value, be healthy and tasty all at the same time? Is it possible? Of course it is! Take a look at what our editors came up with while searching for the best foods to naturally detox your body.


Broccoli is that veggie that somehow always ends up on top ten healthy lists. Why? Because it’s Mother Nature’s way of telling us that it is, mhm, healthy. Broccoli contains both substantial macronutrients (carbs, protein) and vitamins, so no wonder it’s the go-to mini-tree to detox your body.

And how does it do it?

Broccoli contains ingredients that work alongside your liver enzymes to transform toxins into an easily disposable material. Then, the processes in your body ‘push out’ the unnecessary waste for good. In simple words: broccoli makes everyone’s life a tad bit easier.

If you haven’t found a way to make broccoli taste great yet, try to steam-cook it, or even munch it raw. Whatever you do, don’t microwave broccoli since it tends to lose its detox properties.


Asparagus holds numerous benefits for the human body, like getting rid of toxins, battling against the cons of aging, aiding the cardiovascular system and more. But most importantly, asparagus helps the liver to filter any toxic waste quickly and more efficiently.

Plus, asparagus fights the biggest battle of them all – cancer. It reduces the risk of breast cancer and increases the chances to survive.



Beets usually find their way into a Greek Salad and other heterogeneous mixes that include a vast array of vegetables. But, on its own, beets are worthy of including into a detox diet because they do just that: cleanse the body.

Beets are important because they ‘flush’ the toxins out and more importantly – make sure that they don’t come back. Other foods may skip the latter and this is when the toxins get reintroduced back into the organism. With beets, once they go out – they never come back.

Plus, beets help in keeping free radicals in check, thus helping even further in keeping your body at a permanent homeostasis.


Dandelion Root

Now here’s an unconventional one: dandelion roots can help in cleansing just as well. While not ‘food’ unto itself – you can opt for dandelion spices to spark up your meals a notch.

Most plant aficionados refer to dandelions as a weed, but that should not stop you from trying something new in your diet. The plant has several healing factors, one of which is aiding the liver to do its cleansing work. And why wait for the last moment? Include dandelion roots in your diet now and your body will thank you later.



Yes, those tiny little spheres that everyone loves. So why all the hassle? Blueberries have a natural form of aspirin that prevents inflammation and lessens pain. As argued by a published study – 300 grams of blueberries helped in decreasing DNA damage in cells by 18%.

And if this wasn’t enough, blueberries also aid in stopping bacteria in the urinary tract. They feature antibiotic, as well as antiviral properties. Blueberries aid to the detox process thanks to a form of phytonutrients dubbed as ‘proanthocyanidins’ which they contain.


Ginger Root

This root is associated with many medicinal benefits and is known to have astringent properties (aiding in a sore throat, acne.) It also helps in liver functions and speeds up the detox processes that occur naturally in the body.

There are countless ways to prepare ginger. One of them requires you to munch on ginger roots solo. Other diets recommend ‘spicing’ up your water with ginger to taste better. Whichever way you prefer, you cannot do wrong with this one.



Fennel is rich in vitamin C which directly supports the immune system of the body. It also sports decent amounts of vitamin B – a crucial ingredient in transforming the homocysteine molecule into other molecules to prevent inflammation.

In addition to that, the fennel bulb also contains a decent amount of folate and fiber, which help the digestive process in the body to do its job.



Granted, the avocado contains some fat but is nevertheless great for detox if you know how to go about it. It also possesses antioxidant factors and a high amount of fiber to aid in digestion. The highlight here is to opt for an organic one and avoid cheap guacamole sauces from fast-food chains. This way you’re making sure that you’re getting all the benefits from the juiciness that is the avocado.



Garlic is crucial for any diet. It heightens the immune properties of the body and helps with the liver. It is high in sulfur, meaning it’s good for detox and repelling bacteria. Recently, garlic was shown to have better antibiotic properties than most over-the-counter antibiotics, which is pretty neat.


Olive Oil

When you’re hurrying to detox your body, substitute regular (sunflower) for olive oil. Upon using, however, make sure you’re not cooking it at a high temperature. An ideal situation would be to put some in your preferred salad or enrich the flavor of your main course by as little as few droplets of olive oil dressing.

The go-to olive oil would be ice-pressed, but if you’re having trouble finding one – go ahead and pick cold-pressed olive oil instead. Your body will be thankful.


Did you feel like we missed something? Share with us in the comments!

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How Green Tea Can Promote Fat Loss

How Green Tea Can Promote Fat Loss

Since the dawn of humanity, people realized that chewing certain plants would give them health benefits. Within agrarian societies, green tea had the opportunity to be cultivated some est. 4,000 years ago. Since then, it quickly gained momentum and spread across the Globe like crazy. Now, people of all ages and sexes use the magical concoction to promote fat loss at the expense of no side effects whatsoever.   

But, What is Green Tea Exactly?

As some of us may know, oolong tea, black tea and Green Tea are all products derived from the famous tea plant, or in Latin: Camellia sinensis. This beautiful herb natively grows in South and Southeast Asia, but can be also found all across the world where the ‘hots’ overthrow the ‘colds’ (mainly tropical and subtropical regions).

And while all types of teas (oolong, black and green) are strained from the same plant – they differ in how they become processed afterwards. Oolong and black tea are fermented. green tea is not. Therefore, all active substances remain untouched within the plant.


But why do people go to great lengths to drink green tea on a regular basis?

Well turns out, there are substances called ‘Polyphenols’ crammed inside the plant. Scientifically speaking, these polyphenols can be also referred to as either catechins or flavanols.

Green tea abounds with, and please bear with us since it’s already starting to get technical – epicatechin, epicatechin-3-gallate, epigallocatechin and epigallocatechin-3-gallate (in short: EGCG) – the most potent catechin of them all.

The majority of scientific studies were done on EGCG and catechins as whole.

Such rigorous research showed a link between consuming green tea and activation of the body’s “thermogenic fat-burning activity”. According to the same study which showed up in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition – drinking the ideal amount of green tea (equivalent of 690 mg of catechins) for 12 straight weeks lead up to losing fat in several body areas, including waist, under the skin and other ‘critical’ spots.

So How Does It Work?

The famous catechins we talked about contain an enzyme with a rather peculiar name: catechol-O-methyltranferase or COMT in short. When this enzyme comes in contact with the body’s natural processes, it actually breaks down norepinephrine – a hormone whose tasks include burning body fat.

Isn't That Counterproductive For Fat Loss?

Well, no. By ‘pumping’ the body with large amounts of catechins by ingesting green tea, the enzyme starts doing its work and the body signals that it’s losing norepinephrine fast. Basically, you’re getting more norepinephrine than you bargained for which drags out another chemical process in the body called thermogenesis (body heat). This in turn promotes fat loss at rapid rates and tones one’s figure to Apollo’s or Aphrodite’s likings.

Still not sold? Check this out then: the caffeine and EGCG in green tea work together in a symbiotic manner to ‘crank up’ the body's calorie consumption, which in turn produces energy to function. And, according to a study in the British Journal of Nutrition, this flirtatious relationship between the caffeine and catechins in green tea also leads up to an increase in the body’s resting metabolic rate.           

You heard it right and you read it here: thanks to Polyphenols, Green Tea became the go-to plant for people to battle those protruding love handles under the jeans that shamed oneself in public.


Before you know it, green tea has taken the bodybuilding communities by storm. And it’s no mystery since as we saw, the herb proved useful when one is determined to get rid of fat fast.

But, hold your horses: studies have shown that swallowing green tea by the dozen is trumped by taking those same substances only in nutritional supplement form.

Also, a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition read that green tea polyphenols worked best when taken as extracts through capsules.

Thus, to avoid the hassle of gulping as much as a bucketload of green tea goodness per day – it’s best for one’s organism to put those green tea extract capsules to good use: by devouring them whole. Or in other words: green tea extract capsules offer the greater benefit than green tea the concoction.

To recap those juicy green tea benefits:

  •         Boosts the body’s immune system
  •         Works as a powerful antioxidant
  •         Increases thermogenesis’ duration (body heat regulation)
  •         Increases norepinephrine – key component in burning body fat
  •         Stimulates energy-spending in accordance with calorie intake


- Yes, go for it. When paired with substances like yohimbe, goji berry or other supportive herbs, green tea can become even more powerful an extract.

Moreover yohimbe, better known in the scientific communities as methyl 17 alpha-hydroxy-yohimban-16 alpha-carboxylate hydrochloride – turns out also promotes healthy fat loss at rapid rates.

The yohimbe compound blocks certain alpha receptors inside the fat cell – thus increasing the overall thermogenic potential of the body, in turn bringing you even closer to that 80’s Schwarzenegger body that itself sported muscles within muscles – layers deep until subatomic level of ultimate ripped awesomeness.


Green Tea – good. Green tea extract supplements – better.

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10 Do-It-At-Home Workouts You Can Do WITHOUT A Gym

10 Do-It-At-Home Workouts You Can Do WITHOUT A Gym

Sometimes, hitting the gym is more of a luxury than a primary need – like when your front door ends up buried under 4 feet of snow; or your car breaks down just when you needed it the most.

Other times, you just don’t have the cash to pull up that gym membership since you’ve spent everything to fix that old-timey can of a car.  

Whatever the case: staying in shape is by no means restricted to having the best fitness trainer ever, sporting the latest runner shoes, or waiting for the perfect circumstance to pump iron. As long as you have the right mindset – working out at home can be both fun and also bestow great results for your body in the long run.

According to Anthony Yeung and Ben Bruno -- L.A. trainers and overall sports junkies – these are the workout techniques you should be pulling off if you want to achieve that elusive, so-close-yet-so-far-away lean beach body:

1. Bench Dips

Bench dips can be done anywhere using a sturdy surface with mid to low elevation that rests steadily on the floor. Optimal results are achieved with an exercise bench, but you can opt instead for a household chair, couch or anything that allows for 2-3 feet total upper body dip.

Make sure your improvised bench will not tip over while tugging or any kind of jerky movements.

Fires Up: triceps, shoulders.

How To Do It:

- Firmly grip the edge of your bench: palms down, thumbs close to hips and fingertips facing forward and parallel to the floor.

- Remove your gluteus maximus from the bench, straighten arms and extend legs to straight knees position. Your glutes should be located just in front of the bench.

- Bend elbows and start lowering your body. Take a breath in as you drop and exhale while pushing up. Elbows should be held pointing backwards, while forearms should rest perpendicular to the ground. Lowering level should reflect your current fitness.

- Extend elbows and push your body upward. Straighten arms to pick up your upper body and push until reaching your starting position. Shoulders should be squared. Use rhomboids to help in keeping shoulders back. Don’t overextend and keep movements slow to avoid the risk of injury.

- Perform 10-15 repetitions without breaking proper form. If it becomes too easy, try advanced bench dips by putting feet on top of another bench/chair to add more weight.

2. Elevated Feet Push-Ups (Decline Push-Ups)

Let’s face it: a standard push-up is a quintessential exercise to be done at home, but it becomes so boring and unchallenging over the years that it can get quite old after a while. Decline push-ups however? Now we’re talking.

Settle for an elevated surface like your typical exercise bench, or opt instead for a more challenging approach using an exercise ball to fire up your core muscles also.  

Fires Up: chest, arms, shoulders; w/ball – all of the above + abs.

How To Do It:

- Face the floor while extending your body and supporting your body weight with your hands. Hands should be placed somewhere around 35 inches apart. Torso should fall in line with glutes as if readying for a plank.

- Elevate your feet onto a chair, sofa or other furniture. Higher elevation leads to greater resistance.

- Start lowering your body; back and shoulders straight and glutes holding tight in place. Inhale during lowering until your chest almost touches the ground. This would be a half-repetition.

- Push up with your pectoral muscles and squeeze chest until reaching starting position. Exhale while doing so. This would be another half-rep which amounts to one repetition overall.

- For beginners, repeat movement until 5-6 repetitions in accordance with your overall fitness level. Advanced individuals should strive for 10-15 reps. Be wary when starting out to avoid muscle strain and allows your muscles to slowly adapt to such rapid change in body motoric.

3. Spiderman Push-Ups

This exercise offers a great deal of flexibility since it can be performed with slight variations to hit up different muscles and muscle groups without losing its initial ‘signature touch’. Spiderman push-ups differ from decline push-ups insofar prioritizing the abdominal muscles over pectoral muscles during exercise.

Difficulty level comes on par with decline push-ups while being harder to perform than regular bodyweight push-ups.   

Fires Up: abs, chest, shoulders, triceps.

How To Do It:

- Assume regular push-up position: face down, hands apart from each other while slightly surpassing shoulder width, broaden shoulders and abdominals tightened. Beginners should opt for resting on knees.

- Start lowering your body until you barely touch the floor. Inhale while lowering. As you’re sinking down, slowly start to bring about one knee to almost touch your elbow. You should strive to reach your left elbow with your left knee and vice versa.

- Push back with pectoral muscles and arms to return to starting position. Try to keep the body straight as much as possible during repetitions. Exhale while pushing up.

- Switch sides until achieving wanted reps. Ideally, go for 10-15 workout repetitions.

4. Carving Curl

By using a 1-pound weight or a completely rolled up towel, you’ll be shredding those glutes to lean perfection. The carving curl can be done anywhere in the house, as long as you treat yourself to a mat and a floor onto which it’ll rest.

Be sure to actively stretch first before starting with the exercise.

Fires Up: gluteus maximus, hamstrings.

How To Do It:

- Assume lying position with your face pointing downward.

- Tightly squeeze your preferred prop just below right hamstring (behind your right knee), shoulders relaxed, right foot flexed. Be sure that lower back is in a straight-out flat position and doesn’t interfere with the next step.

- While holding your form, lift your right leg and slowly lower. You should feel a slight burn in your right glute meaning your form is correct.

- Switch sides and repeat for 20 reps.

5. Body Saw

The body saw is the perfect exercise to put your abdominals through a rigorous regimen, including rotating, flexing and extending the abs to build muscles and strengthen the core. The body saw is very similar to doing planks, only it’s more dynamic and proves a tougher opponent to beat.

It’s also very simple.  

Fires Up: abs, core muscles.

How To Do It:

- Find a slick floor in your home since body saws would require to slide your feet from one point to another. If not, put towels underneath that will work just as fine. (Note: this exercise won’t work with a rubber matting underneath).

- Assume a plank position. Then tighten abs and squeeze your gluteus maximus while holding a parallel stance to the flooring.

- Start pushing your bodyweight back by employing forearms. Push as hard and far as you can.

- Pause for 2 seconds and start pulling back until starting position is reached. Do as many reps as possible. Aim to push further back to hit your abs harder.

6. PiYo Flip

The PiYo flip requires advanced levels of body extension and should not be trifled with by beginners. It’s also great for boosting up mood, improving blood flow and mustering energy for days to come.

Fires Up: the whole body.

How To Do It:

- Start off by entering in a plank posture while distributing balance on your toes and palms. Your body should stand flat.

- Bend your left knee to exactly 90 degrees, so that your shins rest perpendicular to the ground. Lift your left hand while the other stays put and rotate until one hip crosses the other. Stand still for few seconds, with your left arm stretched and fingertips pointing upward.

- Proceed with rotation, during which you want to hold your balance onto your right foot; your left knee should be bent at this point, while right leg stretched as your left hand slowly extends behind your assumed posture.

- You should end up facing upward during motions, back bent and left foot in the opposing direction against your right foot on the other side of the floor. This would conclude half a rep. Proceed with the same motion only backwards to achieve starting position – one rep.       

- Continue with exercise until 10-15 repetitions while equally training each side of the body.

7. Burpees

Burpees are great for shaking off any excess stress your body has accumulated during a long day, or if you opt instead for doing this exercise first thing in the morning – burpees are an excellent way to help kick-start your day.

You can do them with or without extra weights. For beginners, try to not do too many at once. Build strength first and only then add repetitions in accordance with your current fitness level.

Fires Up: the whole body.

How To Do It:

- Assume a standing stance with feet slightly apart from each other. Start lowering until you achieve a squatting posture and rest your fingertips atop the flooring.

- Extend your legs back and bring your whole body into regular push-up position. If not possible, slowly walk your way back while firmly holding balance with your hands to support your bodyweight.

- Do one repetition of a regular push-up.

- Repeat the second step in reverse (i.e. kicking your legs to a squatting stance). While squatting, bring yourself to a stand-up position and jump as high as you can, all done within one motion. If not possible, slowly walk your way up front and break the single motion into several segments to match your strength. Clap your hands while in the air.

- Do 15 repetitions, or if out of shape or struggling – 5 would do the trick.

8. 180's

This is basically a jump-and-turn exercise which you can do anywhere at home, provided you have a proper ceiling height so you don’t accidentally bump into it.

It’s a great method to burn calories while also having fun.   

Fires Up: abs, gluteus maximus, quads, calves.

How To Do It:

- Take a standing position and let arms freely rest by your side.

- Do a regular squat, and give yourself the kick to jump up during which you turn 180­0 and land in the same squatting position, only this time facing the other way.

- From squatting stance, bring one leg forward slowly for greater resistance, or simply kick it out for lower resistance.

- Repeat step 2 to 3 in opposite direction while kicking out the other leg after landing.

- A preferred goal is 12 repetitions with using both legs.

9. Alligator Drags

Alligator drags require a lot of upper body strength and this is why they’re very hard to pull out properly. Still interested? Let’s delve right into the mechanics of the exercise.

Fires Up: abdominal muscles, shoulders, arms.   

How To Do It:

- Place your feet atop two towels and make sure the floor is slick.

- Assume a push-up stance and tightly squeeze your glutes and abdominal muscles.

- Start marching forward with your arms during which your legs should drag behind. Try to keep your back and legs as straight as possible.

10. Stork SeeSaw

The stork seesaw builds up lower body strength by employing steady and exact movements. You can do this exercise within the confines of your home anytime at your leisure.

Fires Up: back, abdominals, hamstrings, glutes.   

How To Do It:

- Assume a standing position, hands tightly grasped behind your back. Slowly start lifting your left knee forward until it reaches your hip, foot fully flexed.

- Whilst keeping your balance on your right leg, do half a squat and then bend forward until your back becomes parallel with the flooring. Your heel should be at point with your back.

- Repeat motion in reverse until you reach the starting position.

- For optimal results, aim at 12 reps while alternating between legs.

- Beginners should start with hands resting on their hips for lower resistance during the workout.    

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