Do You Even Smoothie?
A good homemade smoothie can provide a healthy dose of essential vitamins and nutrients. Not only are they easy to make, it can also prevent excess fruit and vegetables going to waste… Experiment with flavour combinations or just chuck them all in!
DRINK FRESH to get maximum benefit of nutrients. Not possible? Store in an airtight container.
FREEZE & SAVE – if you find yourself with an abundance of fruit and veg but no time to eat/drink it all, simply dice it up and freeze it! Alternately buy your ingredients in bulk and keep them frozen to save $$$ and time.
Same goes for milk and yogurt, simply pour into ice cube trays and wella!
BE AWARE - some recipes can be quite high in calories. Keep your goals and overall daily calorie intake top of mind and simply adjust recipes to suit your requirements
GET CREATIVE – There are endless smoothie recipe options, base your recipes around whatever fruit is in season to save money.
Here are our TOP 3 SMOOTHIE RECIPES … Is your blender even ready?
- 1 scoop chocolate protein powder
- 2 tablespoons peanut butter
- 1 banana
- 1 cup ice
- water/milk/yogurt of your choice
- 1 scoop X50 Green Smoothie powder
- ½ cucumber
- 1 green apple/ or if you have a sweet tooth... use a pear or pineapple instead!
- 1 teaspoon chia seeds
- If you are brave…. add any other greens in your fridge that need to be used up.
- 1 cup ice
- 1 cup coconut water
…or be a rebel and have it for lunch?
- 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
- 1/3 cup oats
- 1 cup berries
- 1 teaspoon chia seeds
- 1 cup ice
- water/milk/yogurt of your choice
Feeling fancy?
reduce the amount of liquids, pour your smoothie in a bowl and decorate it with more foods.... don't forget to take a photo for Instagram! #TeamSTN
Add Acai Powder if you want to be super fancy...
Whats your favourite smoothie recipe? Pop it in the comments below :)